
EXPO-NET's website uses cookies. Cookies are necessary for the website to function and they are for example used:

  • To optimise the load speed for users who repeatedly visit
  • For collecting statistics for traffic sources and visits on our website to make it easier to use.
  • For conducting surveys to improve customer satisfaction.
  • In connection with contests with one-off participation.
  • For tracking and remarketing across devices.

Generally speeking, a cookie is a small datafile that your browser saves on your computer, tablet or mobile phone.

The cookie does not contain nor collect any data. When a server reads the cookie by means of the web browser, the cookie helps providing a more user friendly service such as remembering previous visits and loading content quicklier etc.

EXPO-NET uses different solutions to improve our web site and these solutions also use cookies to function. Non of these solutions store private or personally identifiable data. Below you can find a list of solutions with cookies.

The length of time the loaded cookies are saved on our website can vary - it depends on the lifespan of the cookie in question. Some cookies are loaded by other companies in agreement with EXPO-NET. 

We respect protection of personal data and all collected data are anonymised. 

If you continue to browse on our website, you accept the use of cookies as described in this cookie policy.

If you want to delete the cookies, just follow below instructions:

How to remove cookies

Most browsers automatically accept cookies. You can set your browser to let you know when you receive a cookie, or if you do not wish to receive cookies you can change your browser settings so that your browser blocks the cookies.

If you do change the settings so that your browser blocks all the cookies, you can still visit our website, but we can, however, not guarantee that you will get an optimal experience.

Instructions on how to delete coolies from the most popular browsers:

Some browsers are set to delete cookies when you leave a website. This function is called InPrivate in Internet Explorer version 8 and later; Incognito in Google Chrome version 10 and later; Private Browsing in Firefox version 3.5 and later; Private Browsing in Safari version 2 and later and Private Browsing in Opera version 10,5 and later.

You can at any time delete the cookies stored at your computer.
